​Economic activities on agricultural lands

In line with the mission of the Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) and its approved strategic priorities and objectives aimed at enhancing food security by developing a sustainably growing sector in agriculture, food safety, and biosecurity through innovative services, modern technology, and directed investment, and considering that ADAFSA is the local authority responsible for agriculture, food safety, food security, and biosecurity in the emirate, and aims to develop a sustainably growing sector in agriculture, food safety, and the protection of plant and animal health, thereby contributing to biosecurity and achieving food security, and based on the directives of the Executive Council of Abu Dhabi, the ADAFSA Board of Directors issued Resolution No. 3 of 2023 regarding the practice of economic activities on farms, which is the result of a joint effort among various concerned parties.​​​

دليل الأنشطة الإقتصادية في مزارع إمارة أبوظبي 

قرار الأنشطة الاقتصادية

قرار مدير عام هيئة أبوظبي للزراعة والسلامة الغذائية رقم (62) لسنة 2023

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