​Animal Wealth


The livestock auction platform was established within the Al Wathbah slaughterhouse, and this platform contributes effectively to facilitating livestock breeders to display and sell their animals through organizing auctions for the sale and purchase of animals.

This, in turn, encourages livestock breeders and non-participants to participate later and display their animals on the platform and contributes to gaining them diverse experiences about animal prices, the most important breeds that are popular in the sales process, and the specifications of each breed. It also increases the experience of breeders and their knowledge of the real market requirements for different breeds and types of animals.
All of this contributes to raising the productivity and efficiency of livestock and increasing self-sufficiency rates in meat and milk in a way that achieves the food security policy for these products.​


The smart fodder support program adopted by the government aims to increase the contribution to the development of animal wealth, improve animal production, and support the food security system. 

Therefore, the fodder market was established with the aim of diversifying and improving the quality and safety of feed available to livestock breeders, which is offered according to standards set by technicians and specialists in the field of animal nutrition to ensure the provision of safe and healthy feed for livestock.
The fodder market also allows breeders to purchase animal feed in the quantities and varieties that they want to feed their animals, and increases competition between companies and factories that produce and supply feed, which helps to improve the quality of feed traded in the markets and increase its supply.
The market also allows breeders to purchase appropriate quantities and types of feed from various sources to meet the needs of their projects. It is worth noting that the establishment of such projects contributes to supporting the development of the livestock sector in a way that achieves food security goals, the most important of which is to increase self-sufficiency rates of local animal products.

The animal wealth sector has received great care and attention from the wise leadership, represented in encouraging local farmers to pay attention to raising and caring for livestock and caring for the specialized sectors in this wealth by providing health care for it at the level of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. Accordingly, the animal wealth sector at ADAFSA has played a key and effective role in developing livestock in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and preserving it through the various activities and services provided to different animal breeders through medical care, nutritional and extension services.
The sector carries out many tasks through three main hospitals in the Abu Dhabi, Al Ain, and Madinat Zayed in Al Dhafra regions and 19 veterinary clinics distributed according to the distribution and density of livestock across the emirate. The Extension and Animal Health Services Division provides various curative and preventive services, including diagnosing various communicable and non-communicable diseases that threaten livestock and providing appropriate treatment for sick animals, in addition to diagnosing and controlling internal and external parasitic diseases and the preventive spraying service for livestock to control external parasites and disease vectors, and vaccinating animals against various epidemic diseases. 
In addition to performing various surgical operations and controlling zoonotic diseases that can pose a threat to human health, as well as conducting annual studies on existing communicable diseases and assessing the status of endemic and emerging diseases, identifying the causes of animal deaths, and issuing veterinary certificates accompanying animals exported abroad, which indicate that these animals are free from diseases.​

Fish are among the most important food sources for humans, as they are a rich source of protein and nutrients. Given the population increase, overfishing, marine pollution, and growing demand for seafood to meet the needs of the local market for fresh fish, all of these factors have led to research and the search for suitable alternatives. Hence, the importance and necessity of developing aquaculture using the latest technological means to strengthen the food security system have become apparent.

ADAFSA strives to achieve sustainable aquaculture development in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi to contribute to reducing the gap between fish production and demand, enhancing the national sustainable food security system, and implementing the strategic program launched by the Abu Dhabi government, "Launching the Aquaculture and Fisheries Program".
This program aims to increase the production of marine and land-based aquaculture in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and enhance its sustainability to contribute to food security through research and development, building the capacity of national cadres, breeders, and workers in the field, encouraging investment in aquaculture in the emirate, and preserving natural biodiversity for the sustainability of the marine environment. This is done by educating fish farmers through various extension methods and means on the scientific foundations and good practices for managing aquaculture farms to increase productivity and raise the financial return for farmers.
What is aquaculture?
It is the cultivation of various aquatic organisms, including freshwater or saltwater fish, crustaceans, mollusks, shellfish, microalgae, seaweeds, and marine grasses, to obtain food under controlled conditions. 
Fish farming (fish, crustaceans, mollusks, shellfish) is currently one of the effective ways to increase fish production to reduce the food gap caused by the decline in production from traditional natural fisheries and to meet the increasing demand for fish due to population growth, income levels, and changing consumption patterns.
Aquaculture also contributes to meeting human protein needs at lower costs and in a relatively shorter time compared to the production of some other types of animal protein, in addition to its contribution to creating job opportunities, increasing exports, and reducing imports.
Importance of Aquaculture
1. Strengthen food security and provide a high-protein food source.
2. Optimal utilization of water resources as it is possible to incorporate several food products (animal and plant) into one project.
3. Utilizing existing non-arable farms in an economically viable project.
4. Create job opportunities and stimulate the economy by establishing supporting projects such as feed manufacturing and others.
5. Reduce pressure on natural fisheries and minimize the depletion of natural resources.
Characteristics of Farmed Fish
Not all fish species are suitable for aquaculture and can adapt to living in conditions different from their natural environment. 
Here are some key characteristics of farmable fish species:
1. High feed conversion efficiency and nutrition on natural plankton and floaters.
2. Rapid growth rate reaching market weight in a short period.
3. Ability to live in aquaculture systems and adapt to changes in water quality standards and different environmental factors.
4. Acceptance of local and inexpensive artificial feeds.
5. High nutritional value desired by consumers.
6. They can be raised in high densities in breeding basins without risks.
7. High disease resistance and can be handled and transported without ​​​stress.
8. Availability of fingerlings.
9. Easy natural or artificial spawning and capable of reproducing in captivity.

The animal extension service provided by ADAFSA aims to elevate the level of animal production in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. This is achieved by educating breeders on sound production practices encompassing animal health care, nutrition, enhanced farm biosecurity, and optimal herd management. Herd management practices include following a year-round production schedule and selecting the most productive breeds while employing the latest available techniques.​​

Vaccination campaigns aim to strengthen the biosecurity system and prevent the spread of epidemics, in addition to strengthening the immunity of livestock and protecting them from diseases. Vaccination campaigns always precede the seasons of the appearance and spread of diseases that threaten livestock in order to control them and prevent their spread among livestock, in addition to reducing the use of veterinary medicines, and eradicating diseases in the long term, which helps to develop and sustain livestock to support the food security system.
The vaccination campaigns initiated by ADAFSA in 2009 provide the best types of approved vaccines to strengthen the immunity of livestock, support breeders, preserve and develop their livestock assets, and support livestock projects and their products.
The diseases targeted by vaccination threaten livestock and the dairy industry. For example, foot and mouth disease is one of the most dangerous diseases in the world and spreads quickly among livestock, leading to a high temperature in the infected animal and the appearance of painful sores in the mouth, udder and legs, which results in a sharp decrease in milk production and the death of young animals. Therefore, prevention from it contributes to avoiding these damages.
We urge livestock breeders to cooperate with the specialized veterinary vaccination teams and follow the necessary advice and instructions to successfully complete the vaccination in its various stages, taking into account contacting the nearest veterinary clinic to schedule an appointment for the vaccination team to visit, and preparing the animals before the visit to facilitate the completion of the task and avoid exposing the animals to stress and preventing the spread of diseases among the herd.

Objective of Establishing a Veterinary Quarantine 
The project aims to control risk sources in the supply and production chain and to ensure food safety and security by applying all veterinary quarantine procedures to shipments of live animals arriving in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi by establishing a specialized quarantine at Khalifa Port. This quarantine is built to high standards according to approved international specifications, encompassing all requirements of the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE).
Barns and Buildings:
The quarantine includes the following facilities:
1- Administrative building 
2- Laboratory
3- Reception area
4- Waste treatment unit
5- Reception pens, isolation pens 
6- Medication room
7- Cooling room 
8- Sample reception room
9- Autopsy room 
10- Pens for sheep and cows with a total area of 5,907 square meters 
11- The capacity of these pens is 8,700 sheep and 900 cows.

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