​Bio Security



Initiative Strategic Objective Description
Development of a Biosecurity Assessment Mechanism in Collaboration with FAO Achieve governance and integration of the biosecurity system through effective communication, coordination, and cooperation Develop and adopt a comprehensive tool for assessing performance in biosecurity areas in cooperation with FAO
Expansion and alignment of preven​tion an​d monitoring systems Strengthen and sustain a comprehensive national biosecurity system to manage biosecurity threats and risks Utilize the One Health approach and principles to expand preventive and control measures and systems and align procedures, mechanisms, and standards adopted in preventive programs for reporting and dealing with notifications 
Strengthening biosecurity for the transportation and manufacturing of animal/agricultural products within laboratory and fieldwork settings Achieve governance and integration of the biosecurity system through effective communication, coordination, and cooperation Strengthening biosecurity for the transportation and manufacturing of animal/agricultural products within laboratory and fieldwork settings (e.g., clinics, hospitals, farms), supported by procedural guidelines and standardized operating procedures (aligned with One Health requirements) and necessary surveillance systems, in addition to initiatives for capacity building and talent development in this field.
Development of cohesive laboratory capacities enhanced by an emergency response network Strengthen and sustain a comprehensive national biosecurity system to manage biosecurity threats and risks Develop cohesive laboratory capabilities enhanced by a comprehensive network of emergency response laboratories that link facilities across sectors, contribute to improving analysis quality, and ensure the standardization and consistency of the standards used
Development of a comprehensive biosecurity system based on One Health principles Achieve governance and integration of the biosecurity system through effective communication, coordination, and cooperation Establish a biosecurity system based on One Health principles, governed by a permanent representative committee and an organizational structure that defines roles, responsibilities, communication requirements, and mechanisms to ensure cross-sectoral enforcement.
Development of a comprehensive legislative framework for biosecurity supported by an integrated database Strengthen surveillance to prevent, contain, and eradicate endemic and transboundary biosecurity threats and risks Develop a comprehensive biosecurity legislative framework that aligns with the One Health approach and principles, the Emirate's context and biosecurity requirements, and raises awareness by supporting this framework with a comprehensive database that facilitates access to the required legislative information.
Development of a system for joint analysis and assessment of biosecurity risks Strengthen and sustain a comprehensive national biosecurity system to manage biosecurity threats and risks Design and develop a comprehensive, multi-axis system for joint risk analysis, supported by an electronic platform and communication plans among relevant entities, along with initiatives to develop epidemiological analysis capabilities.
Development of a system for rapid and effective emergency response Strengthen and sustain a comprehensive national biosecurity system to manage biosecurity threats and risks Design and develop a comprehensive, multi-axis system for rapid and effective response to emergencies, including clear mechanisms and standards for response and rapid investigation of risks and threats, while defining all roles and responsibilities in this field.


The World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) Collaborating Reference Centre for Camel Diseases

The Collaborating Reference Center for Camel Diseases is a unique global center under the World Organisation for Animal Health. It is the only center of its kind in the world and affirms the UAE's position and role in promoting animal health and biosecurity at local, regional and global levels. It contributes significantly to enabling the diagnosis of animal diseases, promoting the development of national expertise in the field of camel diseases and filling knowledge gaps by intensifying and deepening scientific research, particularly in relation to obscure pathological phenomena. It also aims to achieve global leadership in the diagnosis of camel diseases.

The reference laboratory is a unique model and a world leader in the field of diagnostic pathology at the global level. It is equipped with the latest technology and modern diagnostic techniques such as molecular biology techniques, gene sequencing, bioinformatics and the cultivation of dangerous bacteria. This advanced technology enables early detection and identification of obscure, epidemic or emerging pathogens, which in turn strengthens the UAE's biosec​urity and food safety system. It also helps the country respond quickly to emergencies and crises, increasing overall preparedness. The center has achieved remarkable results at both international and local levels.​

WOAH Collaborating Reference Center in Quality Systems Managements​

The ADAFSA biosecurity laboratories have obtained international recognition as a Collaborative Reference Center in the field of laboratory quality management systems. This crowns the scientific and technological position achieved by ADAFSA's laboratories at both the national and international levels, based on their role in enhancin​g the biosecurity system, preparedness, and response to epidemic disease emergencies. It is global recognition and accreditation for the laboratories as a center of expertise and the first consultancy center of its kind in the field of quality systems worldwide.

The center focuses on strengthening international cooperation to build and enhance high-quality diagnostic capabilities in veterinary laboratories in the region and develop methods and procedures that contribute to ensuring the application of international standard procedures and guidelines related to quality management. It will also facilitate cooperation between the center and scientific bodies in research and studies, analysis, and dissemination of data related to quality systems in veterinary laboratories. Additionally, it will provide workshops, scientific seminars, and technical training for workers in the field of diagnostic analysis and exchange of practical experiences and consultations, which will contribute to unifying efforts to combat epidemic and endemic animal diseases, strengthen biosecurity in the region, and enhance the UAE's regional and international leadership.​

Biobank of Reference Biological Materials for Animal and Zoonotic Diseases

The first specialized biobank of its kind for samples and reference materials for animal and zoonotic diseases contributes to enhancing the biosecurity system and building an integrated disease study base aimed at vaccine development and understanding disease epidemiology using reference samples and cells stored in the biobank.

The biobank is unique in that it isolates bacteria, viruses, and reference samples of parasites and cell tissues for endemic and zoonotic diseases, supported by the latest technologies and techniques for storing and managing reference samples. The biobank's tasks include:

  • Managing sample efficiency measurement programs
  • Supporting the activation and development of new tests
  • Production of reagents and primers and development of analysis
  • Strengthening the disease and epidemic emergency response system
  • Providing reference samples
  • Developing vaccines 

Camel Middle East Network (CAMENET)

ADAFSA Collaborating Reference Center for Camel Diseases manages CAMENET. It is a scientific network consisting of nine camel-rearing countries in the Middle East region with an interest in camel breeding. These countries include Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen, and Qatar. The network is dedicated to the health and breeding of Arabian camels. It was officially launched during the annual meeting of the Regional Committee of the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) in Paris in May 2016.

The CAMENET aims to:

  • Describe the status of camel production systems in member countries and identify the goals, practices, and constraints of camel breeding and production. 
  • Characterize and define the environmental patterns of camels based on their morphological characteristics.
  • Disseminate knowledge on camel disease control and best practices in camel production among member countries and the international scientific community.
  • Promote specific studies on camel breeding and production practices, socio-economic importance, and the identification of other risks and threats to animals, humans, and the environment.
  • Facilitate cooperation between national, regional, and international institutions and reference laboratories of FAO/WOAH and collaborating centers to build capacity, exchange expertise, and collaborate.
  • Coordinate support from international organizations (FAO/WOAH/WHO) to national authorities (including veterinary services) in member countries in the monitoring and control of camel diseases, including emerging diseases.
  • Contribute to the development, harmonization, and validation of diagnostic methods for major camel diseases in accordance with WOAH standards and procedures.
  • Improve scientific and technological capabilities in the field of epidemiology and camel disease diagnosis in the region.

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